Simplify your group organization

The Ultimate tool for organized group travel

Distribute groups and people into spaces of any kind

Start now
What is

What is

A web app that allows you to easily distribute individuals and groups into rooms and spaces.

Who is for?

Who is for?

Tour operators and tour guides

Teachers (school trips)

Hotel owners & hotel staff

Cruise organizers

Operators of campsites

Convoy organizers

Anyone who wants to organize larger groups or trips

Typical use case, or what does room allocations mean?

Typical use case, or what does room allocations mean?

Imagine this situation / Picture the scene

You have a large number of clients, both in groups and as individuals, for whom you want to organize a group trip.

To accommodate your clients cost-effectively, you book an entire hotel.

Now, a few questions arise:

Who will stay in which room?

What group preferences are there (who wants to stay with whom)?

How can the room allocation be organized to fulfill as many of these preferences as possible?

Our goal is to make answering these questions much simpler.
Separate rooms by gender

Separate rooms by gender

Mixed or separate group areas can be configured in detail

On children's / school trips: boys and girls can be strictly separated from each other

Allow your clients to enter their own group preferences

Allow your clients to enter their own group preferences

Make your job easier by letting your trip participants enter their room preferences (who wants to stay with whom) themselves.

Editing steps

Editing steps

  1. Specify rooms
  2. Enter trip participants
  3. Enter groups
  4. Generate room allocations in one click
Give guests their own information page

Give guests their own information page

Travel participants can carry out the following actions on a specially activated webpage:

Submit a group preference

View their assigned room and its occupants

Public trip information

Private travel information for logged in trip participants

Typical problems when trying to organize travel for large groups

Typical problems when trying to organize travel for large groups

  1. A customer (e.g. a school teacher on a school trip) wants to organise a group trip and visits the website of a tour operator.
  2. The customer realises that all rooms and their occupants must be known and specified in detail when booking.
  3. The customer is overwhelmed and cancels the booking frustrated.
Our solution for organizing trips with large groups

Our solution for organizing trips with large groups

  1. Each participant books only one sleeping place for themselves.
  2. Travellers enter their desired roommates.
  3. Our program takes over the planning to find the optimal spot for each participant, taking all group preferences into account.
  4. This way, no one is overwhelmed by the organization, and everyone is happy.
Extensive methods for shared editing

Extensive methods for shared editing

We have devised extensive methods to make the planning, processing and organization of group trips as easy as possible.

With role-based access and editing permissions, organizational tasks can be distributed among multiple people, significantly simplifying the process.

Spaces of any kind

Use our program to manage not only rooms but also other spaces:



Tent spaces



Parking lots


Use our information system as support even during a trip

Use our information system as support even during a trip

Does the customer need a ski pass, has he already paid for it?

Use self-defined tags to add any additional information to people, rooms or groups. Our web application allows you to do this easily and in real-time during a trip.

Examples: ski-pass-paid, skis-rented, boot-size-36

Advantages for Trip participants

For high customer satisfaction

Personal preferences

Customers get rooms with the room-mates they want, even when traveling in large groups, without having to pay separately for single rooms.

Easy access to information

Customers can obtain information themselves immediately at any time instead of waiting in queues at reception or on the phone.

Simple Digital Self-Service

Well-functioning, digital self-service is particularly popular with younger customers.

Advantages for Tour operators

For higher sales and lower costs

Unique selling point

Customer loyalty through individual adaptation to personal wishes and modern digital guidance - a unique selling point compared to other providers.

Significant Time savings

Time reduced by 90% – tasks that used to take days are now completed in an hour or less.

Optimal Room Utilization saves money

Cost-effective with the minimum necessary rooms booked.

Technical features

Real-time data processing

Allows several users to work on the same trip at the same time, just like in Google docs.

Modern search algorithms

Modern search algorithms are used to achieve the most precise and optimal result possible.

GDRP complient data protection

Following strict EU data protection, no selling and arbitrary sharing of data with third parties.

Try for free now

Just sign up now and try it out without any costs. No credit card required.

Password free login

No passwords needed. New OAuth standards allow you to log in with just 2-3 clicks.

Good readability

Due to high contrast.

Fast and efficient

We always keep an eye on website performance and take a good user experience seriously.

Modern design

A modern website that not only looks good but is also easy to use.

Responsive Design

Works smoothly on all screen sizes, whether desktop PC, smartphone or tablet.


We are proud to help our customers save much time and money

3150+ Spaces/Rooms

2830+ People

580+ Groups

1900+ Group members

657+ Hours of time saved

Calculated based on 5 minutes per person, room, and group member

16447+ USD of costs saved

Calculated on the basis of $25 per hour of time saved

Updated at:
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